Boost for the German Federal Film Fund (DFFF) – applications can now be filed – DFFF II came into force on 01.08.2017
The existing DFFF has been supplemented with immediate effect by a second fund for major productions. As a first step, this so-called DFFF II is being launched with a financing volume of EUR 25m for the second half of 2017. The budget adopted by the Federal Cabinet foresees a subsequent increase in funding for DFFF II up to EUR 75m in 2018. DFFF I will be retained with a volume of EUR 50m, meaning that a total of EUR 125m will be made available each year from 2018 for the BKM's economically-oriented film funding programme.
Minister of State Grütters on the launch of DFFF II: „The expansion of the economically-oriented film funding programme, which was successfully initiated in tandem with the Federal Minister of Finance, secures the competitiveness of Germany as a film hub as well as valuable jobs and world-class technological knowhow. Innovative production service providers such as VFX companies must now receive attractive parameters so that they can establish themselves sustainably in the face of the international competition. Thanks to these financial possibilities for major national and international feature productions, we will be able to achieve a significant consolidation to Germany as a production hub, the preservation of highly skilled production centres and, not least of all, associated economic leverage effects.
The economically-oriented film funding programme is a significant investment in the cultural industries whose revenues are considerably higher than the original financial input. Moreover, the new DFFF II will take the pressure off the existing DFFF I to benefit of the German producers. Together with the previously implemented increase in the cultural funding programme, the support of the film industry from my budget is thus stronger than ever before.“
About DFFF II:
According to the new DFFF guidelines, production service providers such as production studios or VFX service-providers with responsibility for commissioned films or film sequences are eligible to submit applications under the auspices of the so-called DFFF II. According to DFFF II, theatrical films can access funding if they have a minimum German spend of EUR 8m with overall production costs of at least EUR 20m and are exploited in German cinemas while respecting the holdback periods. The funding amounts to 25 % of the German Spend capped at EUR 25m per project. The allocation of the funding is administered by the German Federal Film Board (FFA) on behalf of the BKM.
About DFFF I:
The so-called DFFF I will continue to operate as a producer funding programme with a budget of EUR 50m. In order to provide more support for producers of larger film productions, the percentage level of financial aid by DFFF I will be increased in future from 20 % to 25% for projects with a German spend exceeding EUR 8m.
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